The UNITED STATES is not the same as the 50 states of the union!!
The Sovereign 50 united states of America was suspended in 1871.
Title 28 3002 (15) (A) (B) (C). It stated unequivocally that the UNITED STATES
is a corporation: (15) “United States” means—
(A) a Federal corporation
(B) an agency, department, commission, board, or other entity of the United States; or
(C) an instrumentality of the United States.
Below are just some of the agencies that "We the People" have been deceived into thinking work for us, but the cold hard fact is they do not work for nor serve us. They are ALL private corporations (businesses) listed on DUN and BRADSTREET, and work for foreign owned entities.
***The Dun & Bradstreet D-U-N-S® Number is a unique nine-digit identifier
for businesses....
(All About the D-U-N-S Number - Dun & Bradstreet)
So, what happened to America?
In 1871, The United States became a Corporation.
On June 1, 1789, our first Constitution created a nation, and this Constitution, along with the Bill of Rights and the Declaration of Independence guaranteed our God-given rights, our freedom, as sovereign beings. This means that
no government or corporation gives "We The People" our rights. We are born free with unalienable rights that come
directly from God. However, in 1871 a group of foreign bankers supplanted our original Constitution with the help of the 41st Congress, and created a second constitution, a corporate constitution, known as THE UNITED STATES, INC.
DUNS Numbers of the US Corporate Government and Most of Its Major Agencies
United States Government-052714196
US Department of Defense (DOD)-030421397
US Department of the Treasury-026661067
US Department of Justice (DOJ)-011669674
US Department of State-026276622
US Department of Health & Human Services (HHS)-Office of the Secretary-112463521
US Department of Education-944419592
US Department of Energy-932010320
US Department of Homeland Security-932394187
US Department of the Interior-020949010
US Department of Labor-029536183
US Department of Housing & Urban Development (HUD)-Office of the Secretary-030945779
US Department of Veterans Affairs (VA)-931691211
US Transportation Security Administration (TSA)-050297655
US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)-056622429
Bureau of Customs & Border Protection (CBP)-796730922
Federal Bureau of Immigration & Customs Enforcement (ICE)-130221646
US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)-057944910
National Aeronautics & Space Administration (NASA)-003259074
National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)-079933920
US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC)-364281923
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)-037751583
Federal Communications Commission (FCC)-020309969
US Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC)-003475175
US Public Health Service (USPHS)-039294216
National Institutes of Health (NIH)-061232000
US Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC)-927645465
US Food & Drug Administration (FDA)-138182175
US Internal Revenue Service (IRS)-040539587
Federal Reserve Board of Governors (Fed)-001959410
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)-878865674
National Security Agency (NSA)-617395215
US Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA)-167247027
Federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco & Firearms & Tobacco (BATF)-132282310
Federal Bureau of Land Management (BLM)-926038563
Federal Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA)-926038407
Corporate Tentacles don't stop in Washington D.C., they extend
to every city, town, and county all throughout America.
This treasonous act committed without the consent of the people, which was required under the original Constitution of 1789, allowed the District of Columbia (which is not part of the 50 United States) to act as a corporation outside the original Constitution of the United States. This new corporate government replaced “We the People’s" government with a for-profit corporation whose sole interest was in gaining profit for its shareholders, aka the foreign bankers, meaning it no longer served nor even cared about "We The People."
Why does this matter? It matters because our federal government is a corporation and just like any other major corporation its interest lies in money, power and control. And like other major corporations, it has spread its tentacles far and wide to expand its reach, control its audience and acquire as much power and wealth as possible. To this end, the UNITED STATES INC created smaller subsidiaries of itself all around the United States of America.
The structure looks like this:
At the top located in Washington D.C. is the headquarters known as the UNITED STATES INC. (DUN and BRADSTREET #089063394) Under UNITED STATES INC. are individual state offices (DUN's Number). Under each STATE are city, town and county offices such as courts, police stations, fire departments, hospitals, libraries, schools etc., which each have a Dun and Bradstreet #.
What does this mean? It means that each of these corporate subsidiaries, even including your school district, has its own Dun and Bradstreet number, meaning it too, is a business with a bottom line.
DUNS Numbers of Each US Corporate State and Its Largest City
State of Alabama-004027553
State of Alaska-078198983
State of Arizona-068300170
State of Arkansas-619312569
State of California-071549000
State of Colorado-076438621
State of Connecticut-016167285
State of Delaware-037802962
District of Columbia-949056860
State of Florida-004078374
State of Georgia-069230183
State of Hawaii-077676997
State of Idaho-071875734
State of Illinois-065232498
State of Indiana-071789435
State of Iowa-828089701
State of Kansas-827975009
State of Kentucky-828008883
State of Louisiana-0612389911
State of Maine-061207536
State of Maryland-847612442
State of Massachussetts-138090548
State of Michigan-054698428
State of Minnesota-050375465
State of Mississippi-008210692
State of Missouri-616963596
State of Montana-945782027
State of Nebraska-041472307
State of Nevada-123259447
State of New Hampshire-066760232
State of New Jersey-067373258
State of New Mexico-007111818
State of New York-041002973
State of North Carolina-830979667
State of North Dakota-098564300
State of Ohio-034309166
State of Oklahoma-050411726
State of Oregon-932534998
State of Pennsylvania-933882784
State of Rhode Island-008421763
State of South Carolina-067006072
State of Tennessee-04143882
State of Texas-002537595
State of Utah-009094301
State of Vermont-066760240
State of Virginia-047850373
State of Washington-079248936
State of West Virginia-828092515
State of Wisconsin-001778349
State of Wyoming-832826015
City of Birmingham-074239450
City of Fairbanks-079261830
City of Phoenix-030002236
City of Little Rock-06530379
City of Los Angeles-159166271
City of Denver-066985480
City of Bridgeport-156280596
City of Wilmington-067393900
City of Washington-073010550
City of Miami-965299576
City of Atlanta-065372500
City of Honolulu-828979612
City of Boise-070017017
City of Chicago-556057206
City of Indianapolis-964647155
City of Davenport-963855494
City of Wichita-069862755
City of Louisville-943445093
City of New Orleans-033692404
City of Portland, Maine-071747802
City of Baltimore-052340973
City of Boston-007277284
City of Detroit-021733631
City of Minneapolis-009901959
City of Jackson-020864955
City of Kansas (City)-832496868
City of Billings-068925759
City of Omaha-926604690
City of Las Vegas-019342317
City of Manchester-045009073
City of Newark-019092531
City of Albuquerque-129962346
City of New York-021741036
City of Charlotte-809275006
City of Bismarck-080245640
City of Columbus-010611869
City of Oklahoma (City)-073131542
City of Portland (Oregon)-054971197
City of Philadelphia-929068737
City of Providence-069853752
City of Columbia-878281562
City of Memphis-051386258
City of Houston-967421590
City of Salt Lake City-017096780
City of Burlington-037442977
City of Virginia Beach-074736299
City of Seattle-009483561
City of Charleston (West Virginia)-197931681
City of Milwaukee-004779133
City of Cheyenne-021917273
DUNS Numbers of the United Nations Corporation and Some of Its Major Corporate Agencies
United Nations (UN)-82477730
UN Development Program (UNDP)-79351126
UN Educational, Scientific, & Cultural Organization (UNESCO)-05331781
UN World Food Program (UNWFP)-05402395
UN International Children's Education Fund (UNICEF)-01769845
UN World Health Organization (WHO)-61873632
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Disclaimer: We have done our best to present the most accurate and up-to-date information. If you see any errors, please reach out to us.
A big thank you to all the tenacious researchers for their information shared here. We have done our best to credit you and your amazing work.