There is OVERWHELMING evidence that the 2020 Presidential election was stolen. Here are six tactics the Deep State employed to carry out one of the greatest heists against the American people: nonprofit organization funds, voter roll & registration fraud, no official voter ID required, ballot harvesting & trafficking, electronic machine and software manipulation, and unconstitutional changes to election laws.
Nonprofit Organization Funds
"Zuckerberg’s funding of thousands of grants to government election offices across the country was unprecedented and massive in scope. These grants - using the COVID-19 emergency as cover - were used to promote mail-in voting, ballot curing, and drop boxes, the controversial practices that experts say make our sacred elections process far less secure and raise serious questions." (Rigged)
Voter Roll & Registration Fraud
Voter roll and registration fraud is when someone illegally casts a vote in the name of someone else. In the 2020 Presidential election there were multiple reports of falsified ballots, photocopied ballots, duplicate ballots, stolen mail in ballots, old registration lists, and people in resident care facilitates and nursing homes who did not have the capacity to vote.
Click on the picture to play video
Fulton County Georgia - Thousands of Falsified Tally Sheets & Dominion
Machine Duplicates
Click on the picture to play video
Whistleblower Steps Forward – Reveals STUNNING Evidence of Organized Fraud
in 2020 Election.
Voter I.D.
Voter ID laws require you confirm your identity using specific forms of ID; however, since it is currently a state issue, the ID you need depends on where you live. This opens the door for illegals/non-U.S. citizens to vote in U.S. elections. Voter ID Laws are necessary to prevent voter fraud. In addition, they would increase public confidence in the integrity of our electoral system. If it's true, that the majority of Americans support Voter ID, why do we not have country wide Voter I.D.' Law?
Ask yourself, "Who benefits?"
Ask yourself, "Why are illegal immigrants permitted to vote in our elections?"
Acceptable forms of ID you can show when you vote include:
Biden admin to give illegal immigrants IDs: Report | American Military News
"Governor Shapiro implements automatic voter registration in Pennsylvania...Commonwealth residents who are obtaining new or renewed driver licenses and ID cards and are eligible to vote will be automatically taken through the voter registration application process unless they opt out of doing so."
September 19, 2023" Governor Josh Shapiro ( Shapiro (
Ballot Harvesting & Trafficking
Ballot harvesting and trafficking typically occur when a "mule” (a hired person) picks up a group of ballots from one location (typically some sort of a stash house) and brings them to a neighborhood voter drop box. There is hard evidence that in the 2020 Presidential election these "mules" made multiple drops over a period of weeks. In addition, during the 2020 presidential election, postal workers and contractors were also used to transport ballots unbeknownst to them.
Electronic Voting Machines and Software Manipulation
“Those who vote decide nothing.
Those who count the votes decide everything.”
(Selection Code)
Unconstitutional Changes to Election Laws
"One of their tactics is to trick the public into voting for unconstitutional changes to a state’s constitution, taking the legislature out of the election process.”
Steve Carra
November 3, 2020... January 6, 2021
It's time to see the connection!!
Some Q Posts on the Elections
Did the Q Team see the Deep State's deceptive plan ahead of time?
Space Force and Executive Order 13848
Remember this is not about Republican vs Democrat, it's about our Constitutional RIGHT as Americans to choose our own leaders!
We the People Declare Freedom Rumble Clean America Now TikTok
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Most Images and Videos Are Third Party.
Disclaimer: We have done our best to present the most accurate and up-to-date information. If you see any errors, please reach out to us.
A big thank you to all the tenacious researchers for their information shared here. We have done our best to credit you and your amazing work.