Liberty and Justice for All
One nation under God with liberty and justice for all!
The Pledge of Allegiance
March 15, 2022
To: We the People’s Commander in Chief,
Dear President Trump,
It is with the utmost admiration and respect that we approach.
"We the People" are at the precipice of destruction from a lifetime of war that has been waged against all of humanity. As you are well aware of, our hearts and souls are crying out for peace and tranquility.
"We the People are requesting, by the Consent of the Governed, the full support of the United States Armed Forces to fully restore the Republic in America and around the World.
We the People do not feel that law enforcement community has honored their oaths office and protected we the people to the best of their abilities as they have been victimized in this war also, therefore military intervention is the only way to protect the freedom that We the people declare and decree by the consent of the governed, standing behind the 2020 Declaration of Independence you so graciously provided us.
We the People by the consent of the governed have followed our founding fathers blueprint and abolished the destructive government as “our right and duty,” to do so on March 29, 2021 and we expect the military to fully respect that action and arrest all enemies both foreign and domestic.
We the People have amassed as God’s Army and are united on the front lines by way of the freedom convoy standing strong against the foreign owned and occupied land of Washington D.C. in order to remove the spiritual wickedness and restore the light and love energies. This effort is working based on the Schuman Resonance from March 6th when we the people first crossed the Potomac at 1:11 pm with the convoy. BIBICAL.
We the People in following the precedent of the founding documents have created a petition for redress of grievances in order to request the higher powers to be, to honor their oaths of office and provide the desperately needed relief to we the people to begin the healing process.
We the People respectfully request your presence to the freedom rally on March 19th at the Hagerstown Speedway where we would like to present you with the Consent of the Governed needed to lead the Republic.
We the People would like to invite you to ride in the freedom convoy with us as we have arranged transportation for you in the Trucking for Troops rig as well as the opportunity to salute God’s Army as they roll out on the mission for freedom. Maybe you could land in the center of the speedway in Marine 1 and we will have an amazing welcome ready for you.
We the People are forever grateful for the selfless sacrifices you have made to show us the way to declare the independence and claim our God given rights and freedoms that have been stolen by the enemy.
We the People would like you to accept these gifts that we gathered on the front lines as a token of our deepest appreciation for everything you have done for humanity. You are truly a savior of mankind and we can never thank you enough.
We the People want to be fully prepared so your prompt reply to our invitation would be appreciated as there is a lot to work to do to get ready and we are prepared to do so. A lot of patriots are holding the front lines and leading the revolution of freedom to the masses but they have been away from their families for a long time, are battle weary and the hardships are overwhelmingly felt, your presence will bring a new life and energy to the movement that is greatly needed at this time.
We the People hope and pray that you find it in your heart to come and experience this moment in history and stand by our side in this declaration of freedom.
Thank you, Sir.
With much love and respect,
"We the People"
are tipping the scales of justice in our favor!!
Archangel commands his army. It is said in Daniel 12:1 that he will stand up during an unprecedented “time of distress.” He and his angels battled with the dragon,” (Satan) in Revelation 12:7. He is the angel most commonly shown weighing the souls of people on the scales on Judgement Day.
Archangel Raguel is the archangel of justice, fairness, harmony, vengeance and redemption (Book of Enoch). He separates the souls who have been faithful from those who haven’t. Raguel also inspires us to stand up for what is right, seek truth, and work towards creating a just and equitable society.
"We don't get to violate people's Constitutional Rights because someone in our chain of command tells us otherwise. That's not how this country works."
Officer Greg Anderson
"Police State is a movie that I never wanted to make, because I never wanted America to get to a point where a movie like this needed to be made. I feel like an animal that alerts the herd to approaching danger, so we can take precautionary steps before it's too late."
by Dinesh D'Souza
We the People Declare Freedom Rumble Clean America Now TikTok
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Disclaimer: We have done our best to present the most accurate and up-to-date information. If you see any errors, please reach out to us.
A big thank you to all the tenacious researchers for their information shared here. We have done our best to credit you and your amazing work.